Sunday, October 24, 2010

You say, "either"...I say, "eyether"

Remember the song,

You say either and I say eyether,
You say neither and I say nyther;
Either, eyether, neether, nyther,
Let's call the whole thing off!

Well, it goes to show you, people will have differences in opinion, in almost everything, from the food we eat, to the weather, what each individual believes in.

But the key in all our differences, is respecting each other.

Time and time again, people fail to respect each other, resulting in wars, deaths and conflicts.
All in the name of differences.

R - E - S - P - E - C - T
Aretha spelled it out for us...
Now it is a matter of acting it out.

Live and let live, each his own

There are some people who devote a lot of their time in preparation for the afterlife, but forget to live life. Then, there are people who are focusing too much on the materialistic side of life, and dismissing all thoughts of the afterlife.

It is not for me to say who is wrong, or who is right.
It's their lives, not mine.
Live and let live...
Each to his own...

Your guess is as good as mine

I love watching all these documentaries on TV. I get fascinated with features on the universe, space, physics, and all that. It is just amazing that there is so little we know about so many things like the origins of life, of time, of the cosmos, etc.

Will we ever get to discover the truth to all these? I guess, it is a lot easier to investigate the physical universe as opposed to the spiritual one. I mean, has anyone ever met God and told us a detailed account of what God is like?

But even the physical universe still remains a mystery. I just found out that no one knows exactly what is truly at the center of the Earth, because it is physically impossible for any probe to venture there. And this is just within our own back yard. What more for things in deep space?

What is the universe all about? Why are we here? Who knows?

We all have our own theories.
We all have our own opinions.
Your guess is as good as mine.

A theory on the physical realm and the spiritual realm

have a theory on my take on the spiritual realm and the material realm. I am guessing, one is an eternal sea, the goes on forever in depth and it all directions, and the other is like the sky, which also extends in all directions and heights, which means, both realms have no time or space. Our life is like a drop of water that escapes the sea, and leaps into the air, or the reverse, a bubble of air, that plunges into the sea, and for a moment, that span of life, is in that other realm. It that moment, it takes a form and has a sense of time, a life span, so to speak. But like all bubbles of air, they return to the surface, or like any droplet of water, it returns to the sea, so too must the lifespan end. But when it does return back to the realm it came from, it returns to an eternal realm, which has no beginning, nor end, no time, nor space that defines it sense of being. It returns to a huge "whole" to where it came from.

Well, it is just a theory. I can guess, can't I?

Time and the decimal point

It always fascinates me when I watch a sporting event, and one runner beats the other by a fraction of a second. Time apparently can be divided into so many tiny decimal points, it can drive me insane thinking of the possibilities. Like 1.0001 is differnt from 1.00010001 and even the number 1.000100100000001, and yes, this can go on and on and on.

That is why, I think, time travel, by leaving this space and "time" is not possible (you know, the type where the physical body disappears and appears in a different era) because of my way of thinking that there is no specific point in time, due to the huge number of decimal points.

I think it can apply to matter itself. When we divide a piece of stone, and keep going on and on and on, we eventually go down to the smallest particle known which is an atom. But since it is matter and occupies space, maybe, an atom can still be divided, indefinitely? I don't know, I am just thinking out loud.

Any other theories? Anyone?

I wonder if there are other theories that are contrary to the big bang. What if, the whole material universe did not start with a big bang, and instead, had no beginning at all? And if the universe had no beginning, maybe, it will have no end. What if, the universe is shaped like many typical basic forms of matter, a sphere or a globe. What if the universe, goes on and on, in this unending see of space but like a sphere or a globe, it has no beginning, nor an end. And congruently, what if time, like this universe, had no beginning nor an end? Now, wouldn't that be an interesting theory?

The Value of a Life

I remember hearing about a guy who shot a motorcyclist just because the guy accidentally bumped the man's expensive car, causing a small dent.

I recently heard about two guys who argued about a song. Yes, a stupid song. In the end, one guy was killed and the other seriously injured.

Did you hear about the incident where a man was shot because his neighbor walked over his garden?

It's amazing how the life of another can mean so little as compared to a car, a song, or even a garden.

It's just plain sad.

Respect - it's a basic thing

You are born to have the gift of respect and you are free to give respect as it is yours to give. Give respect to everyone, it's a priceless gift. Funny how it is said, respect is earned. Then, we say, respect your elders. Hmmm, so, only the elders have earned the right for our respect? Or, when we are taught, respect everyone, no matter what color they may be. That can only mean, all people, no matter what color, race, age, belief, creed, etc have already earned the right to be respected. Hmmm, maybe, we mean, admiration is earned, rather than respect? Food for thought. But nonetheless, I think so many wars, conflicts, fights and misunderstanding can be avoided if there was respect. It's a basic thing.

Are we really born equal?

I recently watched a tv report featuring an old woman in her 60s who was forced to scavenge on garbage after she had lost her job in a factory. Her 10 year old boy had to quit school to help her in the garbage dumps to make ends meet. As the young boy was interviewed on his predicament, he could not help but cry on how difficult life had been for him. To comfort her son, she held his hand and sang a song to him. Tears could not stop falling on his cheeks, as the young boy contemplated on his life.

We have heard the saying, all men are born equal. But are we, really? In this world we live in, does society see it that way? Somewhere out there, a child is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and at same time, probably, a child is born in a poverty stricken slum. Maybe, another child is born with almost perfect genetics while another could be born with an IQ that is less than average. Some, born to be handsome, flawless and perfect, others will not be as fortunate.

I know, many say, in God's eyes, we are all equal. It's a comforting thought. But tell that to the young boy who is not fortunate enough to have 3 meals in a day.

As society dictates, that is how the world judges things. So, are we born equal. I wish we were, but as this material world puts it, you are lucky where fate has placed you.

I guess, counting our blessings each day is always something that keeps our spirits up. And what strengthens our spirits is knowing we are all in the position to help the ones in need.

No, we may not be born equal, but the good thing about it is, we are in the position to make everyone feel as equal as we are meant to be.

Do we tell children what they want to be when they grow up?

A young niece asked me one day about jobs of different kinds of people from policemen, firemen, bankers, and all that. Then she asked me, if a fireman made lots of money. I told her, well, not really a lot, but he saves so many lives, reminding her of the tall building that caught fire and how the firemen there saved lots of people. Then, she asked me about banks and why so many are closing. I tried my best to explain about all that. Then she said, "so, this banker who lost so much money and now people have nothing to eat, but he still gets paid lots of money for making a mistake but still people suffer? Yet, a fireman gets so little money for saving so many lives? What's up with that?"

I shrugged my shoulders and also replied, "yeah, what's up with that."

Finally, my niece answers, "Most of friends say, they want to be actresses, models and doctors. They said, their parents say, it is the only way to make lots of money".

Oh well... I shrug my shoulders and this time, breathe a small sigh.