Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are we really born equal?

I recently watched a tv report featuring an old woman in her 60s who was forced to scavenge on garbage after she had lost her job in a factory. Her 10 year old boy had to quit school to help her in the garbage dumps to make ends meet. As the young boy was interviewed on his predicament, he could not help but cry on how difficult life had been for him. To comfort her son, she held his hand and sang a song to him. Tears could not stop falling on his cheeks, as the young boy contemplated on his life.

We have heard the saying, all men are born equal. But are we, really? In this world we live in, does society see it that way? Somewhere out there, a child is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and at same time, probably, a child is born in a poverty stricken slum. Maybe, another child is born with almost perfect genetics while another could be born with an IQ that is less than average. Some, born to be handsome, flawless and perfect, others will not be as fortunate.

I know, many say, in God's eyes, we are all equal. It's a comforting thought. But tell that to the young boy who is not fortunate enough to have 3 meals in a day.

As society dictates, that is how the world judges things. So, are we born equal. I wish we were, but as this material world puts it, you are lucky where fate has placed you.

I guess, counting our blessings each day is always something that keeps our spirits up. And what strengthens our spirits is knowing we are all in the position to help the ones in need.

No, we may not be born equal, but the good thing about it is, we are in the position to make everyone feel as equal as we are meant to be.

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